Our Family Story


03 January 2012

Our First Christmas in Germany ...

turned out pretty good, with smiles from everyone.  Without being able to shop sales I think this may have been our most expensive Christmas ever (it is REALLY expensive out here and I haven't gotten the hang of shipping deadlines on Amazon for shipping overseas).  Some of our idea's still haven't made it to our house.  Our Christmas elf is still hanging out with the kids since he can't leave without leaving their last presents behind as a goodbye gift.  Regardless, the kids had a great Christmas!!

We hope everyone experienced a great Christmas too!  We sure missed family & close friends!

1 comment:

  1. We still got presents after Christmas. You never know when stuff will arrive. I usually try to get it all ordered 6 weeks in advance. BUT, then you miss cyber Monday - HELLO! I just discovered cyber Monday this year. It's Awesome!
